Use the on line application below to
- get recipes
- customized to use ingredients you have and want to use,
- meet your dietary requirements (start with USDA RDI and customize)
- meet your aesthetic requirements (as predicted by the application)
- avoid food groups or specific foods as ingredients,
- get estimates of inflammation & glycemic load
- get estimates of nutritional information
- based on recipes you may already have or
- based on known ingredients (and estimated amounts).
- create substitutes
- based on aesthetic and nutritional aspects of a reference food or recipe
How To Create A New Recipe And/Or Check Nutritional Estimates of Existing Ones
- Enter a recipe name in the blank after "Recipe Name." It's OK to leave blank if you don't want to name it.
- If you are interested in nutritional, alergy avoidance or other food constituent constraint (including calories), enter the number of servings expected.
- Under the "Food Group" column, select a food group from which you'd like to find an ingredient.
- Under the "Food Description" colomn, select an ingredient.
- Under the "Quantity" column, select a quantity (can be a guess to be modified later).
The units of measure column is currently under construction...all units are treated as grams.
- Add other ingredients if you like, following the above steps
- Note that below the ingredients list is a set of counters for below, within and above limits for
- an aesthetic profile (plus glycemic and inflammation loads) and table just below
- and below that a nutrient profile table.
When you add an ingredient, the upper and lower limits of the tables below are checked against the totals from the ingredients and the limit counters are updated accordingly.
Keep adding ingredients and/or making changes (see "Reset/Update Required After Changes" below) until
you are satisfied with the aesthetic and nutritional profiles.
When you are done, click on "Create Recipe" which will create a copy-able window below the nutritient profile table from which you can copy and paste the recipe and analysis.
How To Create A New Recipe As A Substitute For Another Food Or Recipe
- Start by entering the food or recipe ingredients and quantities to be substituted.
- Next, determine the tolerences of aesthetic and nutritional components to be matched. Default is 25 percent. Enter any other tolerence desired in the corresponding field.
- The default reference is USDA RDI. Change this to use the current recipe analysis as the reference.
- Now you have upper and lower limits set around the food(s) you would like to substitute, using your selected tolerences.
You can make further adjustments to any aesthetic attribute or nutritional constituent limits simply by directly editing the limit value shown.
- Deselect ingredients you want to substitute, replacing them with trial ingredients and quantities for the substitute recipe following the procedure for creating recipes above.
Ingredient Re-selection Required After Numeric Changes
The current (July 2011) implementation behaves as follows.
Only ingredient description selections update the analysis (the predicted aesthetic and nutrition profiles).
Therefore, if numeric values for ingredient amounts, servings, etc. are changed, reselection of at least one ingredient description is needed to update analysis.
Click on the "Update Analysis" only to force analysis results to 0. Subsequent selection of any ingredient description updates all analysis again.
The online application is embedded here.
This app may take a while to load depending on your internet connection....
Since 12:00AM PST, 13 August 2011. Visits since 12/24/2013: